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Homemade Holubtsi and Borscht hearten
both cooks and diners at Heritage House

September 26th, 2017

Residents at Points West Living Heritage House in Vegreville were in for a real treat when Resident Council members, along with interested residents decided to cook up some traditional Ukrainian harvest fare. On the menu were Beet Leaf Holubtsi and Vegetable Borscht, both of which rely on a bumper crop of beets. 

Beets from the garden

Residents and families contributed the beets and a few other vegetables from their own gardens. Then, donning aprons and food-safe hair nets the team began to clean and chop all of the vegetables needed, starting first with the holubtsi (a mixture of rice, bacon, and dill, rolled in a beet leaf and served with a cream sauce).

They shared this wonderful dish with the community for supper, and everyone loved it. There were enough left over for lunch two days later, and, says Office Administrator Roxane Bordyniuk, “That made residents and staff very happy.”


Next up was the vegetable borscht, which took a mountain of chopped vegetables, but the response when it was served made it worth all of the work. 

Photo: (clockwise from left) Resident Helen Zubreski (seated), Resident Council President Joanne Fried, Councilmember Donna Stepanick, Rose Tebbutt, Wilma Golinowski, Emily Sorochan and Veronica Litun (front right) cleaning, peeling, chopping and prepping a huge pot of vegetable borscht at PWL Heritage House in Vegreville.

More photos at Flickr: Homemade Holubtsi and Borscht hearten both cooks and diners at Heritage House

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