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Garden bounty finds its way to residents’ plates

September 21st, 2020

Points West Living Cold Lake is enjoying the abundance of fresh vegetables, including green tomatoes, now inside and ripening. The bounty is thanks in large part to kitchen supervisor, Trudy Kostyniuk (right) and independent residents Jackie Hunter and Gail Pappin.

Watering, every evening

Throughout the summer, the three would meet outside every evening and go around helping to water the vegetable beds. When Trudy was away, Jackie and Gail would take over the watering duties. They grew spinach, carrots, strawberries, lettuce, peas, and a bumper crop of tomatoes.

Ripening nicely

According to recreation coordinator Lindsay Boisvenue, the green tomatoes have been ripening up nicely indoors, and, she says, “The kitchen team has been roasting them for homemade tomato soup, putting them in salads and BLTs, and even giving some to families.”

“Residents also came out to see all of the beautiful flowers,” says Lindsay. “They all thought the gardens were lovely and decided they would like to help with them again next year. Our maintenance man is already working on new planters.”

Photo: (From left) Residents Jackie Hunter and Gail Pappin, along with Food Services Supervisor, Trudy Kostyniuk, rejoice in a bumper crop of tomatoes at PWL Cold Lake

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