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Remembrance 2014

November 18th, 2014

Remembrance Day services were held across Points West Living communities again this year. We have reports from Wainwright, Cold Lake and Stettler. 

In the military town of Wainwright, the local Worthington Branch Legion members and Padre led the service which included a piper and bugler, and the local Glee Club led hymns.
Photo: Points West Living resident Steve Pioker, joined by Health Care Aid Heather Pengelly, holds the special pin he received for his forty years of service with the Royal Canadian Legion.
More photos of the PWL Wainwright commemoration at Flickr: Remembrance 2014: Wainwright

Cold Lake:
Points West Living Cold Lake held its Remembrance Day ceremony in the multipurpose room with many residents, a few military and family members present. Pastor Jeff led the service and Pastor Crump brought along his guitar to play some music. As recreation coordinator, Heather Mitchelmore reports, “Since many of our residents have mobility challenges and weren’t able to lay wreaths themselves, a wreath was passed around the room prior to the minute of silence, and each resident was given a paper poppy to pin to it.”

Six veterans call Points West Living Stettler home, and those who were able joined in the service and laid wreaths to honour their former comrades and armed service people across the country.
Photos of the PWL Stettler commemoration are at Flickr: Remembrance 2014: Stettler

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