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Celebrating an Eden Journey

May 11th, 2021

Points West Living Lloydminster became part of the Eden Registry in December 2015, and every year the community takes time to celebrate the achievement and reconnect with the principles behind it. The registry accredits organizations committed to the journey of ‘creating vibrant, life-affirming environments, where each person matters and everyone has opportunities for growth’.

Sharing stories

“As a community we are continuously growing and changing and celebrating, as we strive to alleviate the three plagues of loneliness, helplessness, and boredom,” says General Manager Sarah Walker, who is also a certified Eden educator and mentor. “Every year we come together as a community to reflect on our journey, and one of the ways we celebrate our success is through sharing our stories.”

At Points West Living, those stories are collected as Eden Moments. They can be a small as a life-affirming moment, or as big as a full community celebration.

A collaborative event

For this year’s celebration, Recreation Therapist Hanna Corpuz, and Recreation Aide Jackie Orbeck worked along with residents to decorate the community, make spring crafts, and plan a spa day to help everyone look their best.

“The kitchen care partners made a delicious barbequed steak meal, and we were treated to an outdoor concert by singer Merle Tenney and guests,” adds Sarah. “It was a great way to celebrate our journey the past year. It was a fitting example of Eden Principle #9: ‘Building a collaborative and resilient culture is a never-ending process. We need to keep learning, developing, and adapting.’”

Photo: Residents gather in the warm spring sunshine for an outdoor concert by singer Merle Tenney and guests at PWL Lloydminster on April 30th. They were celebrating another year of Eden Moments.

More photos at Flickr: Celebrating an Eden Journey

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