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First time visit with COVID-era baby is pure bliss

June 9th, 2021

When John Ziefflie’s great granddaughter Nora was born just over a year ago, nobody imagined it would be a full year before the two could meet in person. When it finally happened on June 1st at Points West Living Moose Jaw, the two made up for lost time with a lovely, relaxed, rolling visit.

COVID restrictions got in the way

“Nora and her family live in Regina,” says General Manager Paula Hooper, “and after she was born last spring, every time they planned to visit, changing Saskatchewan COVID restrictions would get in the way.”

Nora has just turned one, and she and her great-grandpa met for the first time in the PWL Moose Jaw courtyard. “Nora’s mom, Jasmine was shocked that Nora didn’t play shy with her great-grandpa,” says Paula. “She went right to him and smiled.”

Very content to sit and ride around

“The two of them spent about 45 minutes puttering around on his scooter, and she was very content to sit with him and ride around,” Paula adds. “John was completely thrilled that he got to spend the afternoon with his daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter-in-law, and to meet sweet little Nora for the first time.”

Photos: Resident John Ziefflie and his newly one-year-old great-granddaughter Nora met for the first time on June 1 at PWL Moose Jaw. The two connected right away and spent 45 minutes contentedly wheeling around the courtyard on John’s scooter.

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