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60 Years of Community Support

December 21st, 2022

Dorothy Anderson accepts a gift from Freson Brothers Peace River.

In appreciation for 60 years of community support, market retailer Freson Brothers put together goodie bags for the people of Points West Living Peace River.

This small token of appreciation sparked smiles from the residents.

"It was so nice of them to think of us,” said resident Helen Deacon, “and the cookies looked yummy."

Care partner Raquel Gallano pitched in by going door to door to visit residents and give them their gifts.

More photos can be viewed here.

Principle # 5 – We thrive when we have variety, spontaneity, and unexpected happenings in our lives. This is the antidote to boredom.

Principle #3 – We thrive when we have easy access to the companionship we desire. This is the antidote to loneliness; has helped ease some of the boredom and loneliness in our resident even for a short time.

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