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Residents and care partners happy to ‘pay it forward’

January 11th, 2023


Recreation coordinator Shauna Lee Carlson, resident Myrna Mitchell and Resident Council executives Barry and Darlene Marshall, present donations to (Top photo) Jonathan Stone of Kinsmen; (Middle photo) Elaine Smith of Food Bank and (Bottom photo) Jim Muir of Handi Bus,

Points West Living Wainwright residents and care partners often hold bake and rummage sales to raise funds for recreation events and sometimes earn enough to share part of the proceeds with a charitable organization in the wider community of Wainwright.

This last Christmas they were able to donate $1620 to three charities including; the always appreciated and much needed Food Bank, the Kinsmen Christmas Wish Fund which provides for families during the holiday season, and the invaluable Handi Bus service.

This year the Handi Bus donation funds were raised from a sale of Mary Kay cosmetics that were generously donated by the daughter of a PWL Wainwright resident. Wainwright is in the process of purchasing a second Handi Bus so the donated funds from the fundraiser came in handy!

Recreation coordinator Shauna Lee Carlson said, “It makes us all feel a real sense of connectedness to share part of what we have with the greater community.”

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